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Wednesday 15 February 2017

Traditional GK

0.বস্তিল দুর্গের পতন ঘটেছিলঃ জুলাই ১৭৮৯সালে
1.ব্যাংকিং প্রথা সর্বপ্রথম চালু হয়ঃ ইতালিতে
2.পূর্ব তিমুরের স্বাধীনতার জন্য লরাইকারী দলঃ ফ্রেটিলিন
3.দক্ষিণ কোরিয়ার মুদ্রার নামঃ উয়ন
4.বিশ্বের বৃহত্তম সংবিধানঃ ভারতের
5.ব্রিটিশ পার্লামেন্টে ভারতীয় সদস্য ছিলেনঃ দাদাভাই নওরোজী
6.পাকিস্তানের পরমাণু বোমার জনকঃ আব্দুর কাদির
7.পৃথিবীর সর্বোচ্চ বৌদ্ধমূর্তিটিঃ আফগানিস্তানে
8.নেপালের সর্বশেষ রাজাঃ জ্ঞানেন্দ্র বীরবিক্রম শাহদেব
9.কখনো উপনিবেশ ছিলনাঃ থাইল্যান্ড
10.২য় বিশ্বযুদ্ধের সময় রাশিয়ার প্রেসিডেন্ড ছিলঃ জোসেফ স্ট্যালিন
11.গণতন্ত্রের জন্মঃ গ্রীস
12.হিটলারের রাজনৈতিক দলঃ নাৎসি
13.সোভিয়েত ইউনিয়ন ভেঙ্গে যায়ঃ ১৯৯১ সালে
14.এলিসি প্রাসাদ হলোঃ ফরাসি প্রেসিডেন্টের সরকারি বাসভবন
15.যুক্তরাস্ট্রের প্রথম প্রেসিডেন্টঃ জর্জ ওয়াশিংটন
16.যুক্তরাস্ট্রের প্রেসিডেন্টের মেয়াদঃ ৪বছর

Friday 1 April 2016

Time and Distance

1.A boy goes to his school from his house at a speed of 3 km/hr and returns at a speed of 2 km/hr. If he takes 5 hours in going and coming, the distance between his house and school is :
2.Walking at the rate of 4 km an hour, a man covers a certain distance in 3 hours 45 minutes. If he covers the same distance on cycle, cycling at the rate of 16.5 km/hr, the time taken by him is
55.45 minutes/54.55 minutes/55.44 minutes/45.55 minutes
3.A train covers a distance of 10 km in 12 minutes. If its speed is decreased by 5 km/hr, the time taken by it to cover the same distance will be:
10 min/13 min 20 sec/13 min/11 min 20 sec
4.A bullock cart has to cover a distance of 120 km. in 15 hours. If it covers half of the journey in 3/5th time, the speed to cover the remaining distance in the time left has to be
5.A man rides at th rate of 18 km/hr. but stops for 6 mins. To change horses at the end of every 7th Km. The time that he will take to cover a distance of 90 km is
7.You arrive at your school 5 minutes late if you walk with a speed of 4 km/h, but you arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled time if you walk with a speed of 5 km/h. The distance of your school from your house (in Km)
8.A man travelled a distance of 80 km in 7 hrs partly on foot at the rate of 8 km per hour and partly on bicycle at 16km per hour. The distance travelled on the foot is
9.A car travels at a speed of 60 km/hr and covers a particular distance in one hour. How long will it take for another car to cover the same distance at 40 km/hr?
5/2 hrs./2 hrs,/3/2hrs./1hrs.
10.The length of a train and that of a platform are equal. If with a speed of 90 km/hr the train crosses the platform in one minute, then the length of the train (in metres) is
11.A train travelling at a speed of 30 m/s crosses a platform, 600 metres long, in 30 seconds. The length (in metres) of train is
12.Ram starts his journey from Bombay to Pune and simultaneously Mohan starts from Pune to Bombay. After crossing each other they finish their remaining journey in 6 ¼ and 4 hours respectively. What is Mohan’s speed if Ram’s speed is 20 km per hr.?
13. A car driving in the morning fog passes a man walking at 4 km per hr. in the same direction. The man can see the car for 3 minutes and visibility is upto a distance of 130 metres. Find the speed of the car.
7.5 kmph/6.6 kmph/6 kmph/7 kmph
14. A train after travelling 100 kms from P meets with an accident and then proceeds at 3/4 th of its original speed and arrives  at the terminus Q 90 minutes late. Had the accident occurred 60 kms further on, it would have reached 15 minutes sooner. Find the original speed of the train and the distance PQ
65 kmph:480/75 kmph:450/80 kmph:460/85 kmph:460
15. If I walk at 5 km/hr, I miss a train by 7 minutes. If, however, I walk at 6 km/hr, I reach the station 5 minutes before the departure of the train. The distance (in Km) between my house and the station is
16.A certain distance is covered by a cyclist at a certain speed. If a jogger covers half the distance in double the time, the ratio of the speed of the jogger to that of the cyclist is
17.A person travels 600 km by train at 80km/hr, 800 ship at 40 km/hr  500km by aeroplane at 400km/hr and 100 km by car at 50 km/hr. What is the average speed for the entire distance?
65 5/123/60 /60 5/123/62
18.Two trains different length but with same speed pass a static pole in 4 sec. and 5 sec. respectively. In what time will they cross each other when they are moving in opposite direction.
4 sec/4.05 sec/4.5 sec/none
19 A train passes two persons who are walking in the direction opposite which the train is moving, at the rate of 5m/sec. and 10 m/sec. in 6 sec. and 5 sec. respectively. Find the length of the train.
20.A monkey tries to ascend a greased pole 14 metres high. He ascends 2 metres in first minutes an slip down a metre in the alternate minute. If he continues to ascend in this fashion how long does he take to reach the top?

profit and loss

1.By selling 4 articles for 1 rupee, a man loses 4%. Had he sold three articles per rupee, the profit would have been:
2.A shopkeeper sells an article at a loss of 12 ½%. Had he sold it for Rs.51.80 more, he would have earned a profit of 6%. The cost price of the article is
3.A businessman bought an article and sold it at a loss of 5%. If he had bought it for 10% less and sold it for Rs.33 more, he would have had a profit of 30%. The cost price of the article is
4.Profit after selling a commodity for Rs.524 is the same as loss after selling it for Rs.452. The cost price of the commodity is
5.A clock was sold for Rs.144. If the percentage of profit was numerically equal to the cost price, the cost of the clock was
6.By selling 1 dozen ball pens, a shopkeeper earned the profit equal to the selling price of 4 ball pens. His profit per cent is
40%/50%/33 1/3% /31 ¼%
7.On selling 17 balls a Rs.720, there is a loss equal to the cost price of 5 balls. The cost price of a ball is
8. At what per cent above the cost price, must a shop-keeper marks his goods so that he gains 20% even after giving a discount of 10% on the marked price?
25%/30%/33 1/3% /37 ½%
9.A shopkeeper sold sarees at Rs.266 each after giving 5% discount on labelled price. Had he not given the discount, he would have earned a profit of 12% on the cost price. What was the cost price of each saree?
10.A shopkeeper bought 80kg of sugar at the rate of Rs.13.50 per kg. He mixed it with 120kg of sugar costing Rs.16 per kg. In order to make a profit of 20%, he must sell the mixture at
18/kg// 17/kg// 16.40/kg//15/kg.
11.A shopkeeper gains 20% while buying the goods and 30% while selling them. Find his total gain per cent
12. The ratio of cost price and selling price is 5:4, the loss per cent is
13.Ram blends two varieties of tea one costing Rs.180/kg and another costing Rs.200/kg in the ratio 5:3. If he sells the blended variety at Rs.210/kg, the his gain percent is
14.A man purchased some eggs at 3 for Rs.5 and sold them at 5 for Rs.12. Thus he gained Rs.143 in all. The number of eggs he bought is
15. A shopman bought pens at the rate of 7 for Rs.10 and sold them at a profit of 40%. How many pens would a customer get for Rs.10?
16. Ravi buys some toffees at 2 for a rupee and sells them at 5 for a rupee. His loss/profit percent is
17. The cost price of 40 articles is the same as the selling price of 25 articles. Find the gain percent
18.A man had 100kgs of sugar, part of which he sold at 7% profit and rest at 17% profit. He gained 10% on the whole. How much did he sell at 7% profit?
19.A reduction of 20% in the price of salt enabled a purchaser to obtain 4 kg. more for Rs.100. The reduced price of salt per kg is:
20.A dealer sold ¾ of his articles at a gain of 20% and the remaining at cost price. The gain percent earned by him in the whole transaction is
21.The difference between the selling prices of an article at a profit of 15% and at a profit of 10%, is Rs.10. The CP of the article is
22.Two-third of a consignment was sold at a profit of 5% & the remainder at a loss of 2%. If the total profit was Rs.400, then the value of the consignment was
23.A man sells two chairs at Rs.120 each and by doing so gains 25% on one chair and loses 25% on the other. His loss on the whole in Rs. Is
24.A man purchases two fans for Rs.2160. By selling one fan at a profit of 15% and the other at a loss of 9% he neither gains nor loses in the whole transaction. Find the cost price of each fan in (Rs.)
25. If 3 toys are sold at the cost price of 4 toys of the same kind, the profit will be:
25%/33 1/3 %/66 2/3%/50%
26. If the selling price of an article is doubled, then its loss per cent is converted into equal profit per cent. The loss per cent on the article is
26 2/3%/33%/33 1/3%/34%
27.A tradesman gives 4% discount on the marked price and gives 1 article free for buying every 15 articles and thus gain 35%. The marked price is increased above the cost price by
28.An article sold for Rs.3360 earns a profit which is double the amount of loss when the same is sold for Rs.2400. What is the purchase price of the article?
29.17 chairs and 15 tables costs Rs.26100 and 17 tables and 15 chairs cost Rs.26380. What is the cost of one chair?
30.By selling oranges 32 a rupee, a man loses 40%. How many for a rupee should he sell in order to gain 20%?


Monday 28 December 2015

English test

1.After you will return (A)/ from Mumbai (B) / I will come to meet you. (C) / No error.(D)
2. My father (A)/ has left (B) /for Mumbai last Saturday. (C) /No error.(D)
3. I used to study (A) /till 10 pm and (B) / then I go to bed.   (C) /No error. (D)
4. Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied (A)/ for years, but only recently has(B)/ the harmful effects of noise pollution become known(C)/. No error.(D)
5.The judge asked the man (A)/ if the bag he had lost(B)/ contain five thousand rupees (C)/No error (D)
6. The ministry was considered several proposals (A)/ for the development of small and medium enterprises (B)/during Budget discussions. (C)/No error (D)
7. Having work(A)/ in both public and private sector banks(B)/she is the most suitable person to take over the post of the chairman.(C)/No error(D)
8. Most children liked to rest in the afternoon (A)/ after they returned from school (B)/but my son seems to have an inexhaustible source of energy. (C)/No error (D)
9. Ram takes charge of (A)/ the project within a few days(B)/ of appointment. (C)/No error(D)
10. He firmly belief that (A)/ if any disease is detected early then (B)/ it can be cured by yoga.(C)/No error(D)
11. Her goal is to win a gold medal (A)/in the Asian games and (B)/made her country proud.(C)/No error(D)
12. I remember in my youth I was used (A)/to go with my father to his shop and looked (B)/ into his account books(C)/No error(D)
13. He is suffering from severe back ache (A)/ since Monday as he has been working (B)/on the computer for at least eight hours a day. (C) / No error (D)
14. If everything  go well(A)/,the examination scheduled for next month(B)/ will be conducted without any disruptions.(C)/No error (D)
15. The new vaccination will help (A)/ in prevent the disease (B)/ to spread to other parts of the body. (C)/No error (D)
16.Words uttered impiously about God
(A)amoral(B)philosophy(C)logic(D) blasphemy
17.To look at someone in an angry or threatening way
a)Glower b) Gnaw c) Gnash d) Grind
18. A person who writes decoratively
19.To struggle helplessly
20.Loss of memory

Tuesday 1 December 2015

math test Dec/02/15

1.At 5% S.I. a sum of Rs.500/- fetches Rs.36 more than the amount of interest accrued on Rs.380/- for the same period and rate. Find the time.
6 yrs./5 yrs./4 yrs./4.5 yrs./None
2.Out of a certain sum, 1/3rd is invested at 3%, 1/6th at 6% and the rest at 8%. If the S.I. for 2 years from all these investments amounts to Rs.600/-, find the original sum.
3.If x is the S.I. on y and y is the S.I. on z, the rate % and the time being the same in both cases, what is the relation between x,y and z?
X2 =yz/y2=xz/z2=xy/xyz=1/x=2y+z
4.A man lent Rs.600/- for 2 yrs & Rs.200/- for 3 yrs., at the same rate at S.I. & received only Rs.90/- as interest. What was the rate % p.a.?
4/5/6/7/ none
5.A sum of money doubles itself in 10 years at S.I. In how many years would it treble itself?
10/20/30/40/ none
6.Rs.4000/- is divided into two parts such that if one part be invested at 3% and other at 5%, the annual interest from both the investments is Rs.144/-. Find each part.
7.Divide Rs.3903/- between x & y , so that x’s share at the end of 7 yrs may equal y’s share at the end of 9 yrs C.I. being at 4%.
8.A sum of money placed a C.I. doubles itself in 4 years . In how many years will it amount to eight times itself?
12/14/16/20/ none
9.The C.I. on a certain sum for 2 years is Rs.40.80 and S.I. is Rs.40. Find the rate of interest p.a. and the sum.
4%, 5000/5%,5000/6%,5000/None
10. If the S.I. on a certain sum of money for 3 years at 5% is Rs.150, find the corresponding C.I. ?
155.625/ 156.625/157.625/ none
11. A man takes 8 hrs. to walk to a certain place and ride back. However, he could have gained 2 hrs. if he had covered both ways by riding. How long would he have taken to walk both ways ?
12. A  man covers a certain distance between his house and office on scooter. Having an average speed of 30 km/hr he is late by 10 minutes. However, with a speed of 40 km/hr he reaches his office 5 minutes earlier. Find the distance between his house and office.
20/30/60/90/ none
13. Without stoppages, a train travels certain distance with an average speed of 80 km/hr, and with stoppages, it covers the same distance with an average speed of 60 km/hr. How may min. per hour the train stops?
12/13/14/15/ none
14. Normally it takes 3 hours for a train to run from A to B. One day , due to a minor trouble, the train had to reduce the speed by 12 km/hr and so it took ¾ of an hour more than usual. What is the distance from A to B.
15.X walked 1 km/hr slower than usual and he could return home in 9/8 of his usual time. His normal walking rate is
16.A man covers a certain  distance at a certain speed on scooter . I f he had  moved 3kmph faster he would have taken 40 min less. If he had moved 2kmph slower he would have taken 40min more.The distance is.
17. A train covers a distance in 50 min ,if it runs at a speed of 48kmph on an average.The speed at which the train must run to reduce the time of journey to 40min will be.
18. Robert is travelling on his cycle and has calculated to reach point A at 2 P.M. if he travels at 10 kmph, he will reach there at 12 noon if he travels at 15 kmph. At what speed must he travel to reach A at 1 P.M.?
A. 8 kmph B.11 kmph C. 12 kmph D.14 kmph
19.A train after travelling 60 km meets with an accident and then proceeds at ¾ of its former rate and arrives at the terminus 40 minutes late. Had the accident happened 25 km further on, it would have arrived 10 minutes sooner. Find the speed of the train and the distance.
30km/h , 160km/40km/h,120km/50km/h, 160km/none
20.If I walk at 3km/h, I miss a train by 2 minutes. If however, I walk at 4 km/h, I reach the station 2 minutes before the arrival of the train. How far do I walk to reach the station.
5/2 km/4/5 km/6/5 km/none

math post

1.If cos@ cosec230=1, then the value of @ is
a)230 b)370 c)630 d)670
2.One type of liquid contains 20% water and the second type of liquid contains 35% of water. A glass is filled with 10 parts of first liquid and 4 parts of second liquid. The water in the new mixture in the glass is:
a)37% b)12-1/7% c)46% d)24-2/7%
3.  x, y ,z are three sums of money such that y is the simple interest on x and z is the simple interest on y for the same time and at the same rate of interest, then we have
a)  z2 =xy b)xyz =1 c)x2=yz d)y2=zx
4.  If the area of a circle of radius x is 5π, find the area of a circle of radius 3x.
(A) 10π(B) 15π(C) 20π(D) 30π(E) 45π
5. If the length and width of a rectangle are each doubled, the area is increased by
(A) 50% (B) 100% (C) 200% (D) 300% (E) 400%
6. The area of one circle is 9 times as great as the area of another. If the radius of the smaller circle is 3, find the radius of the larger circle.
(A) 9 (B) 12 (C) 18 (D) 24 (E) 27
7. The volumes of two similar solids are 250 and 128. If a dimension of the larger solid is 25, find the corresponding side of the smaller solid.
(A) 12.8 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 40 (E) cannot be determined
8.The area of a trapezoid whose bases are 10 and 12 and whose altitude is 3 is
(A) 66 (B) 11 (C) 33 (D) 25 (E) 16 ½
9. The circumference of a circle whose area is 16π is
(A) 8π (B) 4π (C) 16π (D) 8 (E) 16
10. . Find the perimeter of a square whose diagonal is 8.
(A) 32 (B) 16 (C) 32 2 (D) 16 2 (E) 32 3
11. The length of the line segment joining the point A(4, –3) to B(7, –7) is
(A) 221 (B) 185 (C) 7 (D) 6 12 (E) 5
12. Find the number of degrees in each angle of a regular pentagon.
(A) 72 (B) 108 (C) 60 (D) 180 (E) 120
13. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 5 : 6 : 7, the triangle is
(A) acute (B) isosceles (C) obtuse (D) right (E) equilateral
14.Last year my age was a perfect square number. Next year it will be a cubic number. What is my present age?
a)25 yrs b)27 yrs c)26 yrs d)24 yrs.
15. The average of three numbers 70, @7 and 5@ is 57. If @ represents the same digit, then it must be
a)3 b)6 c)4 d)7
16. The base of a triangle is 2 cm more than twice its altitude. If the area is 12 sq. cm, its altitude will be
a)6 cm b) 5 cm c)4 cm d) 3 cm
17. If a + b =5, a2 + b2 =13, the value of a-b (where a>b) is
a)2 b)-1 c)1 d)-2
18. The value of (sec@ - cos@) (cosec@ -sin@)(tan@ +cot@) is
a)2 b)0 c)1 d)3/2
19. G is the centroid of triangle ABC. If AG = BC, then <BGC is
a)600 b)1200 c)900 d)300
20. tan70 tan230 tan600 tan670 tan830 is equal to
a)1/root3 b)1 c)0 d) root3
21.A bookseller makes 8% profit after selling the book at 10% discount. The ratio of the cost price to the marked price is
a)4:5 b)5:4 c)5:6 d)6:5
22.A certain sum of money is distributed to A and B in the ratio 2:5. If A received Rs.100, then the money received by B is
a)Rs.200 b)Rs.150 c)Rs. 250 d) Rs. 300
23.Three years ago, the average age of a family of 8 members was 30 yrs. If one child is also included in the family, the present average age of the family remained the same. Then the present age of the child is
a)3 yrs b)4 yrs. C)6 yrs. D)1 yrs.
24.The value of 1372 x 1458 is

a)116 b)126 c)106 d)136

Wednesday 23 September 2015

For Competitive Exam: GK (Indian Constitution)

For Competitive Exam: GK (Indian Constitution): The 10 th Schedule of the constitution of India relates to : Ans. Anti-defection Law. By which amendment, the fundamental ...