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Friday 1 April 2016

profit and loss

1.By selling 4 articles for 1 rupee, a man loses 4%. Had he sold three articles per rupee, the profit would have been:
2.A shopkeeper sells an article at a loss of 12 ½%. Had he sold it for Rs.51.80 more, he would have earned a profit of 6%. The cost price of the article is
3.A businessman bought an article and sold it at a loss of 5%. If he had bought it for 10% less and sold it for Rs.33 more, he would have had a profit of 30%. The cost price of the article is
4.Profit after selling a commodity for Rs.524 is the same as loss after selling it for Rs.452. The cost price of the commodity is
5.A clock was sold for Rs.144. If the percentage of profit was numerically equal to the cost price, the cost of the clock was
6.By selling 1 dozen ball pens, a shopkeeper earned the profit equal to the selling price of 4 ball pens. His profit per cent is
40%/50%/33 1/3% /31 ¼%
7.On selling 17 balls a Rs.720, there is a loss equal to the cost price of 5 balls. The cost price of a ball is
8. At what per cent above the cost price, must a shop-keeper marks his goods so that he gains 20% even after giving a discount of 10% on the marked price?
25%/30%/33 1/3% /37 ½%
9.A shopkeeper sold sarees at Rs.266 each after giving 5% discount on labelled price. Had he not given the discount, he would have earned a profit of 12% on the cost price. What was the cost price of each saree?
10.A shopkeeper bought 80kg of sugar at the rate of Rs.13.50 per kg. He mixed it with 120kg of sugar costing Rs.16 per kg. In order to make a profit of 20%, he must sell the mixture at
18/kg// 17/kg// 16.40/kg//15/kg.
11.A shopkeeper gains 20% while buying the goods and 30% while selling them. Find his total gain per cent
12. The ratio of cost price and selling price is 5:4, the loss per cent is
13.Ram blends two varieties of tea one costing Rs.180/kg and another costing Rs.200/kg in the ratio 5:3. If he sells the blended variety at Rs.210/kg, the his gain percent is
14.A man purchased some eggs at 3 for Rs.5 and sold them at 5 for Rs.12. Thus he gained Rs.143 in all. The number of eggs he bought is
15. A shopman bought pens at the rate of 7 for Rs.10 and sold them at a profit of 40%. How many pens would a customer get for Rs.10?
16. Ravi buys some toffees at 2 for a rupee and sells them at 5 for a rupee. His loss/profit percent is
17. The cost price of 40 articles is the same as the selling price of 25 articles. Find the gain percent
18.A man had 100kgs of sugar, part of which he sold at 7% profit and rest at 17% profit. He gained 10% on the whole. How much did he sell at 7% profit?
19.A reduction of 20% in the price of salt enabled a purchaser to obtain 4 kg. more for Rs.100. The reduced price of salt per kg is:
20.A dealer sold ¾ of his articles at a gain of 20% and the remaining at cost price. The gain percent earned by him in the whole transaction is
21.The difference between the selling prices of an article at a profit of 15% and at a profit of 10%, is Rs.10. The CP of the article is
22.Two-third of a consignment was sold at a profit of 5% & the remainder at a loss of 2%. If the total profit was Rs.400, then the value of the consignment was
23.A man sells two chairs at Rs.120 each and by doing so gains 25% on one chair and loses 25% on the other. His loss on the whole in Rs. Is
24.A man purchases two fans for Rs.2160. By selling one fan at a profit of 15% and the other at a loss of 9% he neither gains nor loses in the whole transaction. Find the cost price of each fan in (Rs.)
25. If 3 toys are sold at the cost price of 4 toys of the same kind, the profit will be:
25%/33 1/3 %/66 2/3%/50%
26. If the selling price of an article is doubled, then its loss per cent is converted into equal profit per cent. The loss per cent on the article is
26 2/3%/33%/33 1/3%/34%
27.A tradesman gives 4% discount on the marked price and gives 1 article free for buying every 15 articles and thus gain 35%. The marked price is increased above the cost price by
28.An article sold for Rs.3360 earns a profit which is double the amount of loss when the same is sold for Rs.2400. What is the purchase price of the article?
29.17 chairs and 15 tables costs Rs.26100 and 17 tables and 15 chairs cost Rs.26380. What is the cost of one chair?
30.By selling oranges 32 a rupee, a man loses 40%. How many for a rupee should he sell in order to gain 20%?


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